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Expert human post-editing is anticipated to be a pivotal component in the localization industry.

The role of a human proofreader is crucial in maintaining high standards, encompassing aspects like the accuracy of translation, grammatical integrity, uniformity, cultural suitability and localization nuances, seamless flow and legibility, relevance to the context, meticulous attention to spelling and punctuation, maintaining the format and structure, adept handling of specialized terminologies and jargon, and adherence to specific guidelines and industry standards.


Diverse Fields Benefiting from MT Post-Editing: From Legal Documents to Travel Content

It's important to note that MT post-editing is not always suitable for highly creative content (like marketing material or literature), emotionally sensitive texts (like personal letters), or highly specialized legal or medical documents that require a high level of accuracy and cultural sensitivity. In these cases, professional human translation is often preferable.


However, Al / MT Post-Editing can be successfully applied to a variety of requests, depending on the nature of the content, the quality requirements, and the context in which the translation will be used.

Here are some scenarios where MT post-editing is particularly effective: technical documentation, E-commerce and business communications, legal and financial documents, educational and training material, travel and hospitality, news articles and general information.

Contact us to learn more about our human post-editing services.