Al / MT Solutions

High-Volume, Low-Stakes Content
MT is well-suited for documents like technical manuals and product catalogs, which often have repetitive phrases. Human post-editing is essential afterwards to fine-tune any nuances or inconsistencies that MT might overlook.

Internal Communications
In multinational corporations, machine translation (MT) can swiftly handle internal, non-public communications. This approach allows employees to quickly understand the essence of the content. For added clarity and precision, human post-editing is employed, ensuring that the final communication is both clear and accurate.

MT is a practical first step for translating product descriptions and listings into multiple languages, particularly for items with similar features. This cost-effective approach quickly handles bulk translations. Human post-editing then plays a crucial role in ensuring that the final versions adhere to high-quality standards, enhancing the accuracy and cultural appropriateness of the product information.

Multimedia Content
To guarantee the effectiveness of translation processes, it is crucial to ensure the timely delivery of translated content. This involves strictly adhering to specified deadlines. Additionally, a thorough verification of the final output is necessary to confirm both its accuracy and completeness, thus maintaining the integrity and quality of the translation.

Draft Translations
MT is particularly useful in situations here a preliminary draft is necessary before producing a final, refined version. MT can significantly expedite this initial stage of the translation process.

Knowledge Bases & FAQ
For support content that requires frequent updates, combining MT with human post-editing is an effective strategy to maintain current and accurate translations. This approach ensures that support materials, such as FAQs and knowledge base articles, remain up-to-date in various languages.

Website Localization
MT is a valuable tool for businesses aiming to quickly localize their websites for new markets. It provides a fast initial translation, which can then be meticulously reviewed and refined by human post-editors. This ensures not only linguistic accuracy but also cultural relevance, correcting any potential mistranslations and adapting content to resonate with the target audience.


Human Translation
Technical translation»
Legal translation»
Marketing translation»
Medical translation»

Web localization»
Software localization»
Game localization




Machine translation»

Generative AI translation»

Human Postediting»

Case Studies»
Company Profile»



In addition to human translation services, we also provide machine translation (MT) and artificial intelligence (AI) solutions in 40+ languages, provided they are technically feasible and cost-effective.


Machine Translation 

Machine translation (MT) has historically received negative feedback as it often proved to be more of a distraction than a helpful tool particularly when used without translation memory (TM).

However, the emergence of Neural Machine Translation (NMT) technology has sparked a paradigm shift, offering astonishing results that instill hope for a new era of translation.


Through meticulous authoring control, utilization of customized MT engines equipped with the latest glossaries and memories, and the addition of human post-editing, MT has now reached a stage where it can generate near-human quality output at a faster pace than traditional translation for many types of texts. Generally, the costs associated with MT fall between the rates for translation, editing, and proofreading (TEP), while productivity further improves when dealing with larger volumes.


Generative Al

Our process starts with advanced AI algorithms that provide quick, initial translations. This technology handles complex linguistic structures and diverse language pairs, ensuring a broad and efficient foundational translation.


In the second phase, our professional linguists step in. They're not just translators; they're cultural consultants who understand the subtleties of language and context. Their role is to refine the AI output, focusing on idiomatic expressions, technical jargon, and cultural nuances. This human touch is crucial for texts requiring a high degree of accuracy and cultural sensitivity, like legal documents, medical reports, and marketing materials.